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Home working: Can we help? - 06/04/2020

Crazy times, right?

And if you're not used to it, working from home can feel crazy too.

We can't help with stopping your kids from interrupting you. But we can help to make sure you're correctly set up for safe remote working.

Over the last fortnight we've helped hundreds of businesses to get set up, removing their frustrations.

There are four key areas to look at:

  • Your data security: Making sure your data is safe in your home (especially if you use a shared device). This is critical as hackers are leveraging fear of the Coronavirus to try to access more devices
  • Safe access to company data: In a way which doesn’t unnecessarily slow you down
  • Your home office set up: So you can be as productive as possible during these difficult times
  • And communication, collaboration and management: Making sure you can talk freely, but appropriately with your colleagues and clients

There's no need for any physical contact to get you set up for home working. Everything can be done remotely.

Don't suffer for another day. Get in touch. We can help you today.